It has been a while since we started Ermes – Intelligent Web Protection, and we thought it would have been nice to start a channel to let customers, partners, as well as practitioners, security enthusiasts and students, know how we face the future challenges of web security and threat intelligence.

So we decided to start this blog to provide the reader both a window open on the horizon of research, engineering and development of web security solutions, and a simple yet practical tool to raise awareness about the actual threats users and businesses can encounter as they browse the web.

We will explain techniques used by attackers to make users fall in their traps. We will show simple expedients to adopt in order to avoid risks, prevent attacks and improve security posture.

We will present insights from our research activities, collaborations and publications. We will describe technical findings emerged from real customers’ use cases.

In a nutshell, we envision this space as an essential and practical source on web security world. Basically, a Swiss knife for taking informed decisions to face both every-day and long-term web security risks.

Welcome to this blog, and may the security force be with you!